Pretty funny. held my attention for a few minutes. though the amount of blood you draw in your poop makes me wonder about your health friend, hopefully trump wont win so you'll be able to get that checked out at the doctors...
Pretty funny. held my attention for a few minutes. though the amount of blood you draw in your poop makes me wonder about your health friend, hopefully trump wont win so you'll be able to get that checked out at the doctors...
looked like it had the potential to be a good game but rather than a good curve into the game you get no time before the game starts throwing challenge at you. so it becomes instantly frustrating.
very VERY nice,
i like how the paint smears when you run over it. i would like to know how the tri shot gets activated cuz i'm like running from this huge mob of baddies being all like common tri shot common
its okay pretty standard
not a bad game, okay music
heres mine
739CBDE98092A427FFC10C034805500AA0174 02180494082A98DFFFF8
let down your hair
wow just fantastic
cant wait for the next one, loving the metroid like mood as well keep up the good work and dont keep us waiting to long.
Fucking gold, imaginative entertaining, and fun. my only suggestion is that you make multiple possible solutions.
A few people have suggested that now. Sounds like a good idea :D
fun but easy
it was very cute
nice game
i got to space on day 8 :) but only cuz of extreme luck anywho keep up the good work
great game, really loved the whole concept
only had one issue while in multi color mode you cant change your base color so if you stop a split second before you hit an enemy you dont have time to change color >:( (leading to annoying deaths) anyway i know thats not a big deal and i must sat this is a great game, great music and just all around good stuff, please keep at it.
:) good
c'est bon
thats about all i can write in French (yes i speak but not write) but yeah a button for the turbo would be cool
Age 37, Male
Joined on 6/8/03